- My paper “Reconceptualizing VOT: Further Contributions to Marking 50 Years of Research on Voice Onset Time” is now out at the Journal of Phonetics.
- I presented a poster at ICPhS in Prague. You can find the proceedings paper here and the poster here.
- I was awarded the Foreign Areas and Language Studies (FLAS) fellowship to study advanced Indonesian at UCLA in 2023-24.
- I presented my work on the featural representation of the four-way laryngeal contrast in Bengali at the 30th Manchester Phonology Meeting. You can find my poster hereÇ
- Peter Staroverov and I have a new paper in the Journal of South Asian Linguistics titled “An acoustic study of voiceless stops in Indian English.” You can find it here [pdf].
- I presented two posters at the 182nd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Denver.
- ‘The four-way voicing distinction in Bengali Infant Directed Speech’ with Megha Sundara.
- ‘Evaluating the learnability of vowel categories from Infant Directed Speech’ with Katya Khlystova, Connor Mayer, Ann Aly, Ji Young Kim and Megha Sundara.
- My paper titled The Curious Absence of Aspiration in Indian English: The Role of Phonetics in Adaptation [pdf] is now available in the Proceedings of the 37th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics.
- Our collection of recordings on Adonara (Austronesian, eastern Indonesia) is now available on Paradisec.
- I presented a poster titled ‘No Puffs Given: The Curious Absence of Aspiration in Indo-Aryan Loanwords and Indian English’ at the 17th Old World Conference in Phonology (OCP) at the University of Warsaw in February 2020.
- My work on documenting Adonara, spoken in East Flores in Indonesia, was featured on Wayne State’s Graduate School Spotlight
- I presented a poster titled ‘Adaptation of English Stops in Indo-Aryan Languages: The Problem of De-aspiration’ at The 24th Annual Mid-Continental Phonetics & Phonology Conference held at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee in October 2019.